Welcome to Your Physiotherapy
Our aim is to restore You to Your version of normal.
At Your first session we will ask you; ‘What’s the problem?’ ‘What is it stopping you from doing?’ ‘What do you want to get back to doing?’
From there Assessment and Treatment can start. Don’t forget Physiotherapy is a Physical form of Therapy and this may be Hands on and require you to do some Homework, including stretches and exercises. As a form of Therapy, Physio helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. If you’re not sure if this is for you, please justgive us a call and we can discuss it in more detail to see if it will be an appropriate form of treatment.
Your Body, Your Life, Your Choice
Based in Bamber Bridge, Blackpool, Hazel Grove, Cheadle, Lytham and Levenshulme!!